Pre Eyebrow Appointment Advice


What to expect from your treatment…


  1. Take painkillers, fill up on energy drinks or drink alcohol the day before your appointment AND on the day of your appointment. Also, on the day DO NOT DRINK CAFFEINE!!! It can thin the blood and cause excess bleeding.

  2. Use sunbeds and do discuss holidays before booking your appointment

  3. Go to the gym, horse ride, swim etc before or after your appointment. It can cause infections and premature fading of colour

  4. Tint your brows before or after your appointment. Wait until they are fully healed and ask for advice. Tinting will fade your brows.

  5. Book an appointment if you are pregnant or trying to become pregnant. Please get in touch to discuss the implications.

  6. GO ON HOLIDAY!! You need at least 3 weeks of healing time. Your colour will fade drastically.


  1. Bring your glasses if you wear contact lenses. You may want to take them out, so bring your lenses case too.

  2. Bring along a list of any medications you are on.


    The law states that no one under 18 is allowed in the treatment room, as it is the same category as tattooing. You also need to be calm and relaxed to allow the treatment to go its best. Anyone with an under 18 with them will not be able to have the treatment and will lose the full deposit. You are more than welcome to bring a friend (over 18 years old) if you are a little nervous.